6 benefits of being best friends before dating each other

6 benefits of being best friends before dating

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Couples who have a strong friendship before marrying usually end up having the best and strongest relationships.

Friendship is the first thing you need as it is very important when it comes to developing a relationship.

Being friends gives you the opportunity to know each other and the opportunity to learn things about each other that you wouldn’t have otherwise learned.

When you jump into a relationship without being friends first, many issues and challenges may crop up as you may be expecting more from the person by sometimes setting unrealistic expectations.

However, when you become the best of friends before dating, you can easily decide if he’s perfect for you before you make a decision.

Here are the top 6 benefits of being friends first before becoming lovers:

#1. He’s aware of your past relationships

He knows all about your exes and will never make the same mistakes they (your exes) did. For example, not treating you well as any good woman deserves and forgetting your birthday as that should never be the case.

Likewise, you also know all about his exes and what he disliked about them. For example, texting him to find out how he’s doing a thousand times a day.

#2. He knows you

Dating your best friend means that you know each other’s flaws and you are okay with all of it. No weirdness or unpleasant surprises here.

As a result, he will always remember to put the toilet seat down because it drives you nuts, or call you when he is running late so you don’t worry that much about his whereabouts and what is happening to him elsewhere.

#3. You know how to make each other laugh

The nice jokes you share that crack both you up when you are friends is enough to sustain your relationship when the two of you decide to live together as one.

At least, you both get to know what tickles you and what doesn’t during friendship before you get to marry.

Yeah, you have that!

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#4. He has an idea of what you like

Even though it’s just your first date, he knows enough not to take you out for things you don’t like.

You may even actually feel excited about going on a first date for once because you have been building up to this moment for a long time.

And while you both feel ultra-comfortable and chill because you know each other really well, there is still so much to learn as your relationship changes and grows at a new level.

#5. He’s your best friend

Who wouldn’t want to marry their best friend? It’s the best of both worlds.

Again, have I made my point yet or should I keep going? So, if you are looking for love, look at the person who’s always been there for you and take a leap of faith.

#6. It builds trust and better communication

Every relationship should start lowly and with trust and communication.

Moreover, I think that if you are friends before lovers, you will have the right amount of time to do it as you are getting to know each other.

You have to fall in love with someone for who they truly are and that takes times.

Furthermore, it makes you feel more comfortable around them and open up more.

And that’s the definition of friendship.

Author: Counsellor Francis Pinwilliams — A marriage counselor.

Source: BieGyaNation.Com

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