Left: 23-year-old pr0stitute, Chipo, Right: customer, Mushonga

Pr0stitute b.eats customer mercilessly after he asked if he could pay her with one boiled egg for se.x

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Some drama that ensued between a pr0stitute and her troublesome customer in Zimbabwe has got social media buzzing, BieGyaNation.Com has noted.

A customer who went looking for a pr0stitute to satisfy his se.xual desires got the hell out of him bea.ten by a wild pr0stitute.

The customer, Moses Mushonga, 28, approached the pr0stitute and offered to pay her with one boiled egg for se.x in the town of Mvurwi in Mashonaland province.

Moses Mushonga did not only offer her the most annoying ‘prize’ but also went ahead to manh.andle her, leaning into her bra and touching her bre.ast.

And to add insult to injury, he then tried to haggle with his only asset.

Mushonga told the 23-year-old pr0stitute named Chipo that he had just spent his last bit of money on buying two boiled eggs, the equivalent of less than a penny or a cent.

Sadly he had already eaten one of the boiled eggs, too.

The 23-year-old pr0stitute, who got infuriated by the customer’s offer, first h!t him in the head with a beer bottle, pun.ched him in the face, before kn0cking him out resulting in bl00d 00zing out of the customer’s head and spreading all over his face.

Mushonga told local media after the incident that: ‘She could have just said no.’

Chipo, who was not charged by police, said she simply felt he needed to be taught a lesson about respect.

An earlier report this year by the Weekend Post newspaper in the capital, Harare, stated that the economy was so bad that se.x workers had reduced their prices to 0.8 Zimbabwe dollars – equivalent to half a loaf of bread.

But they clearly draw the line at a boiled egg.

Source: George Awiadem Maclean | BieGyaNation.Com

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