5 megabyte hard drive built by the IBM company.

Incredible: the object you see the men lift is just a 5 megabyte hard drive (See Photo)

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Yes, your eyes aren’t deceiving you at all because the heavy object you see in the image below that the five men carry for shipment is just five (5), and I repeat, a five megabyte hard drive. The things that wow us at BieGyaNation.Com.

This 5 megabyte hard drive — or the equivalent of say, an mp3 song on an iPod, or on your phone (iPhone, Samsung Galaxy etc.) — was built by the IBM company and transported in 1956.

We have indeed come a long way in the world of technology!

5 megabyte hard drive built by IBM company in 1956
5 megabyte hard drive. Credit: IBM company

The story today is one that is very amazing: now we can easily carry 3 to 7 terabytes of hard drives in our pockets when it had to take about five or more strong men to carry just a five megabyte of that onto a truck for transportation.

The future looks bright for us all. Haven’t we come a long way, folks???

Source: BieGyaNation.Com

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